Approved English testing for aviation

The Test of English for Aviation is managed and administered by Mayflower College and:

  • meets the ICAO English Language Proficiency Requirements (LPR’s) for licensing purposes
  • is approved by the UK Civil Aviation Authority (certificate here) and many other national authorities
  • assesses spoken and listening ability according to the ICAO Rating Scal


T.E.A. is:

A test of plain English in an aviation context for licensing purposes – not a test of aviation phraseology

A test of ability to communicate in English – not a test of operational knowledge

A face-to-face, human interaction test with 1 examiner who asks questions for detailed responses

A 25 – 30 minute test that consists of 3 parts:

  • Section One Introduction & Experience-related Interview (7 – 8 minutes)
  • Section Two  Interactive Comprehension (8-12 minutes)
  • Section Three Picture Description and Discussion (10 minutes)

Regarding exam dates and fees, please contact us.

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